  • Dealing With GERD
    Whenever you eat spicy foods do you know that you’ll be suffering for it shortly after? Do you find that heartburn keeps you up at night or makes it impossible Read more
  • When to Get a Colonoscopy
    A colonoscopy can be a great diagnostic tool for figuring out certain intestinal issues.   As a medical news report or general doctor may have already told you, a colonoscopy is a Read more
  • What Is Causing My Constant Constipation?
    Being constipated means your bowel movements happen less often than normal. Everyone goes through it at some point. Fortunately, there are many treatments that can provide relief. Treatment for constipation Read more
  • How Chewing Gum Can Affect Your GI Tract
    If you ever chewed gum as a kid then you probably remember an adult telling you not to swallow that gum or else it would get stuck in your intestines. Read more
  • Dealing With Acute Pancreatitis
    Acute pancreatitis strikes suddenly, causing severe pain and vomiting. More than 300,000 people are admitted to U.S. hospitals every year due to acute pancreatitis, according to The National Pancreas Foundation. What Read more
  • Dealing With Hepatitis B
    Dealing With Hepatitis B Have you been diagnosed with Hepatitis B? Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver that is caused by the hepatitis B virus. The virus is passed Read more
  • Dealing with a Hiatal Hernia
    A hiatal hernia is when the stomach bulges through an opening in the diaphragm. Some people don’t even now that they have a hiatal hernia because it doesn’t always produce Read more
  • Treating Hemorrhoids
    While an embarrassing condition, hemorrhoids are rather common and will happen to the majority of us at some point during our lifetime. This condition occurs when the veins around the Read more

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Gastroenterology Associates of Southern California


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